
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Soul & Body

Lack of knowledge of one’s true self’s is the real cause of all human suffering and unhappiness. Man today identifies himself with the body, mostly sensuously. He does not know much about the immortal entity, called ‘soul’ which resides in, and functions through the body. Man’s ignorance about soul results in a ‘body-conscious’ or worldly approach towards life. His sub-conscious is constantly haunted by the fear of death, which he thinks, will deprive him of everything he possesses and holds dear. Human suffering on mass-scale caused by natural calamities and wars confuse him still more. These phenomena compel him to think at sometime or the other as to whether these happenings take place by sheer accident of ‘luck’ or there are definite laws governing the same. At times he also wonders as to who He is and what is he doing here? Why is everything so transient and perishable, with the signature of death on it? Unless these fundamental aspects of life are rightly understood, the body-conscious approach is bound to be there. Man’s ignorance about his true self leads him to the wrong conclusion that his physical existence is the be all and end all of everything. This results in his adopting wrong values in life, which in turn leads to his committing wrong acts and consequently cause suffering to him. No wonder, inspite of striving hard, he is unable to avoid sorrows and sufferings in life. Proper knowledge of one’s real self i.e. the ‘soul', its functioning and its role in the world Drama is, therefore, a ‘must’ for leading a peaceful, contented, happy and liberated life.
A human being is a 'soul' in a physical body. Just as a person who speaks and listens through a telephone instrument is an entity separate from the telephone set—in the same way, the 'soul' is an entity separate from the body. While the body is composed of five elements of matter and is operated through the mechanism of the physical brain by the soul, the ‘soul’ itself operates through its own faculties of mind, intellect and resolves(sanskars). The body, which is composed of five elements-- earth, water, fire, air, and ether are antagonistic to one another. Earth is dissolved by water, water is dried by fire, fire is consumed by air and air is absorbed by ether--but the soul in the body gives life to these five elements and makes them compatible with one another. The moment the soul withdraws from the body --the body supposedly dies --and earth merges in earth, water merges in water, fire in fire, air in air, and ether in ether. The body and its organs are only the agents or means to carry out the dictates of the soul. To explain it further it is not the mouth that speaks of its own, but it is the soul that speaks through the mouth-organ of the body. Thus the soul sees, hears, speaks and feels through the body. These functions are performed through the medium of the five senses of sight, sound, speech, smell and touch. Hence the soul can be likened to a programmer (user), the human brain to the computer and the human body to the robot. Just as a driver of any vehicle sits in the vehicle, but is separate from it, so also the soul who is the driver of the human body is separate from it, although residing within it. At the same time, the soul cannot do anything without body nor the body is of any use without the soul on this Karma Bhoomi ( World of Action). It is readily evident that the programmer, the computer and the robot are distinct and separate entities. However, since the soul has been in a physical body since birth, and birth after birth, gradually it has identified itself with the body. The soul is seated in a position in the center of the skull, just behind the pituitary gland, at the base of the hypothalamus.The surface marking between the two eyebrows--known as the 'eye center'-- 'Brahkuti' or 'the third eye', represents the point of exit and point of entry of the soul in the body. The soul (consciousness) enters the womb of the mother in the fifth month of gestation, which corresponds well with the first movement of the foetus experienced by the mother during that time. In Hindu culture, the bindi (dot) applied on the forehead between the two eyes by the sisters and mothers--and tilak applied by the brothers is the symbolic remembrance of the soul--atma-(point of light)--third eye--the eye of the intellect.
The mind is non-physical, feeling and thinking faculty of the soul, where thoughts are constantly in play. All thoughts and emotions originate in the mind. The speed of mind is the fastest and unparelelled among even the fastest modes of science. It can reach anywhere within a fraction of a second. Just a thought can take one to his remotest past and farthest place in no time. Being a subtle power, the mind does not come across any barrier of time and space. In less than a second the mind can go into the past or future, re-live and experience it and feel sad or happy as the case may be. It is rightly said, 'It's all in the Mind'. Sitting in his room man can think of the sun faster than light can travel from the sun to him. Mind should be distinguished from the ‘heart’ which is a physical organ. The ‘heart’ is not the seat of emotions—but the target of emotions, which are originating in the mind.
The intellect is the discriminating and judging faculty of the soul, which takes decisions, based on past stimuli already stored in and present stimuli currently being received by the mind. It understands, reasons out, discriminates and takes decisions. Intellect should be distinguished from the ‘brain’ which is a physical organ of the body. Brain is the center of the nervous system of the body and serves as the control panel for the soul to conduct and regulate the different organs of the body.
The resolves (sanskars) consist of the resultant impressions, generated by every thought, word, and deed upto a given point of time, which are then responsible for triggering or producing fresh thoughts. Therefore, resolves give birth to thoughts, which emerge in the mind, and if accepted by the intellect are translated into action, which in turn creates new impressions. This forms a cyclic pattern. Sanskars determine the overall personality of an individual.

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